Wednesday, July 15, 2009

KryptoNate and Gary Washburn on a plane

Today Gary Washburn posted a story @ about Nate Robinson. The game certainly seems to be going international. The best players from Europe come here, but now the best players from the U.S. are starting to jump across the pond too. Apparently KryptoNate is thinking seriously about going to Greece.

Is Washburn working for the P-I again? Did he ever leave? Did he get paid for the story? Is the P-I paying their reader bloggers? Their reader bloggers are being featured a lot lately. It seems like they are often placed front and center much like a regular columnist.

Note: Gary Washburn is @ The Boston Globe now. Last June, I sat near him on a Southwestern flight from Seattle to Oakland. Before we took off, he was talking really in-depthly on his cell phone to someone about Michael Jackson. When I got off the plane, Don Wakamatsu was buying a ticket in front of me at he BART station across from the big grey concrete block where the Raiders and Athletics play.

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